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"Justice without force is powerless, force without justice is tyrannical." ~B. Pascal


Today, anyone with access to the Internet can learn the general rules of law. However, a good lawyer is a person who knows not only the rule but also the exceptions to the rule and who can correct the injustice suffered by his client by using this knowledge, which is his capital, correctly.

Being aware of this fact, Delil Law Office is a company that provides advocacy and legal consultancy services for clients who work mainly in the fields of Commercial Law, Real Estate Law, Inheritence Law, Private Law, Civil Law and Family Law and seek justice in these fields. is a law firm.


Do not trust third parties who claim to be calling you from our office and demand money from you for a "file closing fee" or any other reason. In order to avoid being defrauded by malicious individuals who attempt to gain unfair advantage by taking advantage of the name and prestige of our Law Firm, please make sure that all calls claiming to come from our firm are made through our office line at +905322377280. Otherwise, please report the situation to our office and also to law enforcement.

faaliyet alanları


Family Law


Disputes regarding family law such as divorce cases and claims such as compensation and similar accessories of divorce, liquidation of property regime, custody and alimony demands, rejection of paternity, recognition and paternity cases
Click Here for Our Articles on Family Law and Divorce Cases

Real Estate Law

Real estate lawsuits such as title cancellation and registration lawsuits, pre-emption lawsuits, expropriation lawsuits, lawsuits demanding eviction and compensation, and lawsuits to be filed with respect to contracts to be prepared regarding immovable properties such as land, land, apartments, flats or generally independent residences.

Click Here For Our Articles On Real Estate Law

Inheritance Law


Lawsuit for determination of deprivation of inheritance, action for annulment of certificate of inheritance, action for cancellation and registration of title based on inheritance collusion, action for determination of inheritance, action for reduction of reserved share and follow-up of legal processes regarding inheritance transactions 

Click Here For Our Articles On Inheritance Law

Compensation Law

Processes of compensation lawsuits filed and/or to be filed regarding damages arising from traffic accident, physician error (malpractice), psychological harassment at work (mobbing) and work accident, as well as tortious acts and crimes

Criminal law


Criminal proceedings regarding the investigation and prosecution phases carried out in heavy penal courts, criminal courts of first instance, criminal courts of peace and prosecution offices

Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law


Execution of legal processes related to enforcement proceedings, objection to enforcement proceedings, actions for annulment of objection, sales through foreclosure, collection of receivables, follow-ups regarding bills of exchange and legal proceedings before enforcement courts

Fatal and Injured Traffic Accidents


Litigation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages arising from fatal and injured traffic accidents, compensation for deprivation of support, claims regarding the insurance company, claims for damage to the vehicle and loss of value

Personal Data Protection Law


Legal processes, notice, notification and obligations, objection to the decision of the board, etc. to be carried out within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law. legal processes

Foreigners and Citizenship Law


Legal affairs and procedures regarding issues such as foreigners' work permits, residence and travel rights, marriage and divorce procedures, population registration procedures and the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship

Commercial Law


Preparation and interpretation of commercial contracts, establishing company, disputes regarding bills of exchange (cheques, policies, bonds), mergers, mediation and litigation regarding disputes arising from commercial contracts between merchants 

Labor and Social Security Law


Labor lawsuits, reemployment lawsuits, lawsuits regarding labor claims and compensation, severance pay, notice indemnity, overtime claims, compensation lawsuits due to work accidents, etc.

Legal Notice Required by Legislation: In Turkey, there is no such thing as specialization of lawyers and carrying out activities only in certain fields; each lawyer may perform any legal business and/or transaction for which he is duly authorized. The fields of activity listed above only consist of legal works and transactions that are currently and concretely followed by our law firm, and it is stated that the legal consultancy service in our office is a paid service in accordance with our Attorneyship Law.

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Email        :

Whatsapp : +905322377280

Phone       : +905322377280

Address     : Ehlibeyt District, Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Street, No: 112/30, Çankaya/ANKARA, 06520

We can provide online meetings via Whatsapp video call or Zoom meetings with our clients who are abroad or in one of the Turkish cities outside Ankara. Just call us or request an appointment in writing via Whatsapp or e-mail. However, in this case, you will need to transfer the legal consultancy fee to our bank account before the meeting.



Delil Law Firm, Ankara/TURKEY

Delil Law Firm, operating in Ankara, was established in 2007 by Atty. Maşallah DELİL and is currently run by Atty. H. Baran DELİL since 2020. 

With the takeover of management in 2020 by Baran DELİL, Delil Law Firm has shown improvements in many areas by combining the experience of the old with the innovation of the new, It expanded by incorporating and thus increased its business volume. As a result of all these, in a short time from a boutique law firm, it has become one of the few corporate law firms in Ankara. It is one of the leading publishers in the language of Turkish for colleagues and citizens to access information on legal principles and procedures with hundreds of legal articles on its website. Concretely, Delil Law Firm generally provides services to its clients regarding disputes in the fields of commercial law, citizenship law, real estate law, inheritance law, family law and criminal law. 

Legal Warning

Delil Law Office does not give any guarantee that all the information on this website will be adapted to our legal system, which will evolve and change over time. The provisions of the law and the judicial practices on which the information contained in the legal articles are based may change over time, and the best thing to do in case of need is to meet with your lawyer one-on-one and get legal support. In this sense, no legal liability is accepted. The information on this website can be used by colleagues within the scope of professional solidarity. The articles and information on this website cannot be used on any other website without a link to this website and without reference. Otherwise, we reserve the right to initiate any legal action.


© 2020 Delil Law Firm

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